
Due to the express wish of his widow, the museum is dedicated to the famous Impressionist painter: Joaquin Sorolla. In 1925 his widow donated all of his assets to the Spanish state with the order and aim of founding a museum in memory of her husband.

The museum is at his own house and is kept as it was in the early twentieth century. It´s kept just as it was when he lived there while he painted many of his master pieces. Since his death in 1923, nothing has been changed in the house. You can still admire the paintings he was working on when he died.

Once Mrs.Clotilde, his widow, died, the state accepted the legacy of the will and in June 1938, the Museum opened its doors.

At the museum most of the things that Sorolla gathered on life, logically dominated by his Artwork: paintings and drawings, that form the largest and most representative collection of the impressionist Master Sorolla.